ZEN+MAGIC was born out of personal necessity.
I am a firm believer in the power and importance of Sacred Spaces to heal, recharge and reboot. Smudging is a regular part of maintaining those spaces. The use of ritual smoke smudging has been a part of many ancient cultures for thousands of years! I smudge regularly to clear out stagnant energy and keep things fresh and flowing...there's really nothing like how a space feels after it's been physically AND energetically cleansed!
However, I developed adult asthma in my 30's and have two daughters with asthma, so I needed to find an alternative to smoke smudging. I started looking for a smudge SPRAY - something portable, effective and smokeless. If I could find that, I'd be able to take it everywhere with me!
Easy right? Well, it seemed simple, but it was impossible to find! Too weak, too watered down, too covered up, too complicated...and often nothing like the magical fragrance of White Sage or Palo Santo I loved using. The energetic feelings were missing for me. I embarked on a self-guided journey to create the smudge spray of my dreams and immersed myself in research, reading, learning, and LOTS of experimenting...
Work on my first spray, PURE, started in mid-2019. This "simple" Palo Santo spray took over 6 months for me to finish. Why? Because it is damn challenging to create a pleasing spray that smells and FEELS like smoke smudging with Palo Santo. But, ohhhhh my, it was so worth it. I'm proud to say that PURE stays absolutely true and accurate to the essence of Palo Santo and its benefits.
The rest is history for ZEN+MAGIC....and we continue to do it one spray at a time.
I often tell people that I still get nervous every time I pack an order of my sprays. I truly do. I hope you love ZEN+MAGIC vibe and energy products as much as I love them.
With ZEN & MAGIC...and so much LOVE,